Now Awake
This calcium latticework upon which I dwell,
harbors a hatred for flesh related and personal.
A resentment for the hours of neglect.
And for the toxin laden softness of tissue,
burdens arterially pumped across years,
as if a flood forever swelled the world.
When those many soft sins accumulated,
mortality deposited in cellular divisions,
this blindness unaware jumped ship.
An indictment of some magical relief,
vision now as clear as unwashed glass,
my saline bag begs for more time at your feet.
Yes, these remembered bones despise me,
forgetfulness imagined so deliberately,
like a pouting child ignoring punishment.
Self referentially blindfolded then and again,
falling now forever inside this graying light,
unveiled as some hard mortification at hand.
These polluted bones will suddenly fall apart,
crepuscular comrades have joined the charade,
wailing a protest to the minutes remaining for me.
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